Masterclasses Purtle Brass Conferences Articles Teach Myself or Take Private Lessons? Masterclasses Hit it Hard & Wish it Well ebook Editor's Picks Claude Gordon Archive Claude Gordon Playing My Man (Mon Homme) Claude Gordon Archive Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1992 - Claude Gordon on Opening Intro Claude Gordon Archive Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1992 - Claude Gordon on Wind Control, Fingers, and How You Practice Claude Gordon Archive Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1991 - Claude Gordon on Embouchure and Mouthpieces Teaching Articles Greenville County Youth Orchestra in Greenville, South Carolina - A Vision Accomplished Clarke's Technical Studies, Then and Now Is There One Correct Way To Play? Why Practice Breathing Exercises? Featured Students Featured Students Ali Daneshkhah on Trumpet Playing Ravel's Piano Concerto Sergio Frade Playing Schindler's List Theme Farsi Translation of Claude Gordon Book Triple High C - Sergio Frade Claude Gordon Claude Gordon Archive Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1992 - Larry Souza on Construction, Maintenance, and Cleaning Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1991 - Claude Gordon on Wind Power with Carl Leach Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1991 - Claude Gordon on Embouchure and Mouthpieces Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1991 - Dave Evans on Constructing Routines Masterclasses Masterclasses Interview with Chris Davis about Endurance Interview with Chris Davis about Endurance Masterclasses The Other Side of the Bell Podcast interview of Jeff Purtle Masterclasses Arturo Sandoval mentioning Claude Gordon to Thomas Hooten Testimonials Testimonials Andrea Tofanelli - Testimonial Andrea Tofanelli - Testimonial Testimonials Andrea Tofanelli - Testimonial Testimonials Gary Malvern - Testimonial Sign Up for Our Newsletters Get awesome content in your inbox every week. Leave this field blank Popular Today Claude Gordon Archive Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1987 - Tedd Waggoner on Claude Gordon Selmer Trumpet Construction Claude Gordon Archive Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1987 Carl Leach - Taking Care of Business Claude Gordon Archive Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1990 - Larry Miller on Health and Fitness
Claude Gordon Archive Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1992 - Claude Gordon on Wind Control, Fingers, and How You Practice
Claude Gordon Archive Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1992 - Larry Souza on Construction, Maintenance, and Cleaning
Claude Gordon Archive Claude Gordon Brass Camp 1987 - Tedd Waggoner on Claude Gordon Selmer Trumpet Construction