David Stacey - Testimonial

I've been extremely happy to find a great teacher in Jeff.  Also very lucky: there aren’t any advanced teachers of trumpet in my area. Jeff really knows the software to make this happen on line. He’s a true explorer and expert in this new way of teaching.  Our lessons have made a terrific difference in my daily routine, and my overall relation with the trumpet which I cherish. I’m an English prof with a very busy job and a deep and abiding love for this beautiful hobby of making music with the horn. I started really late—the trumpet was my “mid life crisis.” After the initial interview and one lesson, Jeff figured out the exact combination of Claude Gordon books, Arbans, and his own stash of pdf files for my exact needs and abilities.  I would recommend him, and this way of doing it, to anyone.

Dr. David Stacey
Professor of English
Humboldt State University
Arcata, California